Friday, October 31, 2008

RSS feeds

Well, at least I can be assured I won't ever starve now that I'm being fed by Bloglines =) Let's just hope I'm not eating junk!

I'm not a huge Internet surfer. I tend to have a very focussed goal; I go straight for what I'm after; I get out :) I think RSS feeds are more for people who like to surf and turn over a lot of info. An RSS feed would significantly reduce the amount of search time.

I love the library comic strips you see around the place every now and then. With the variety and number of people you meet in a customer service role, you can't help but find many humourous situations worthy of becoming a comic. With RSS feeds I now have several library humour sites converging in one place so I can quickly and easily get my funny bone fix =)

Since doing this task I've begun to notice the surprising number of sites that display the RSS feed symbol. It's amazing how you can tune out the things you don't understand. I wonder what else I've missed that has been right in my face...

As for library RSS feeds, I can see it would be very useful for customers to receive info on library events, book awards, release dates of popular new books, etc. I see the elibcat already allows customers to subscribe to a feed. That might be a very handy piece of info to pass onto customers that show an interest!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Worked to the Bone

The thing I like about Flickr is all the unusual and funny stuff you can come across.

To be honest, I don't use Flickr personally, but I imagine from the librarian point of view it would be useful in getting informal images of the library out there into the public domain. The old straight laced view of libraries is still very much present despite today's relaxed libraries and that can be intimidating to many potential new customers. I think the casual nature of Flickr would show a very different side to libraries... like we don't all run around going "shhh" to the noisy kiddies... rather we're racing around laughing our heads off as we put the more unusual items in our collection to comedic use :)

I'm sure there are some days I look and feel as the guy in this photo does! haha

I think I would really like the people who took this photo (University of Redland Library). They have my humour :)