I really, really like this idea! I've never tried to count the number of different computers I use in a week but at a guess I'd have to say it would be more than just a handful. Bookmarking sites like del.icio.us would be extremely handy. No more struggling to remember that really cool site I'd like to show a friend!
Bookmarking is very similar to RSS feeds except that rather than have the info constantly coming in to you, you have a list of handy sites at ready reference to go to when you need it. RSS feeds seems more suited to things that update constantly (eg, news, blogs, reviews), whereas bookmarking is great for ferreting away those sites you might not use often but want to keep on hand (eg, reference items like dictionaries, encyclopaedias, calculators).
To be honest RSS feeds initially irritated me because I didn't understand this difference. There isn't any site I look at regularly enough to be worthy of being on a feed and so having the feed telling me there was things I needed to catch up on constantly felt pushy and took the fun out of it. What I needed to do instead was to put those sites on del.icio.us. That way I have the sites on record but can access them when I choose, not when I'm told! The control is in my hands! mwahahahaha!
Here's the link to my del.icio.us bookmarks, http://delicious.com/alteredformula. I experimented with del.icio.us by bookmarking YouTube but with 23things winding up soon I haven't added anything else yet. I'm keen to try all the other things before it finishes =)
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